
Wheelset maintenance workshops need autonomous defect monitoring systems to guarantee the quality of their products, ensure a short cycle time and maintain digital traceability of the results obtained. Eliminating the need for certified operators on the machines is also essential to improve efficiency and reduce human error.



To develop an ultrasonic inspection system for railway wheel sets, including two wheels and an axle, that can be integrated into a maintenance workshop and reduce the cycle time to 3 minutes. Each component should be inspected radially and axially according to the specifications of the ISO 5948 and AAR M101/M-107/M-208 standards. Automatic evaluation of the results is required.



The result of this project is a phased array ultrasonic instrument for the complete inspection of railway wheelsets. The entire process is automated, including the positioning of the wheelset, the inspection process and the evaluation of the indications. Techniques such as semi-immersion or wedge contact are used for optimum results. Simultaneity and PAUT probes have reduced cycle times by 60%.

The final solution of this project has resulted in a highly innovative and marketable functional solution. By combining cutting-edge technologies, we have created a comprehensive solution that efficiently and effectively meets the market’s needs.

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